Friday, 9 April 2010


Från Independent i måndags. Man kan ju inte låta bli att hålla med om detta:

"In mid-life they were rotten managers who coasted in a cushy economy, relying on the nation's growth and rising house prices to make them rich rather than learning how to make better products. They sold every small company to a bigger one for a few bits of silver, leaving it to be milked dry by shareholders. Then, towards the end of their working life, they opened up the financial markets - thus dooming their children to compete against globalised labour, depressing wages for youngsters and creating a world where even call centres require university education. They crowned their working lives with not just a global financial meltdown but a climate change crisis that will sentence their children to decades of picking up the tab for their parents' comfortable lives."


Susanne Snäll said...


MilouK said...

Ja men det är ju så befriande att skylla på sina föräldrar.

Susanne Snäll said...

Ja, idag är allt deras fel. Imorgon är det vårt.